Radlland Bayern

for everyday life and leisure

What is RadlLand Bayern?

The umbrella brand of the Bavarian State Government

The RadlLand Bayern brand brings together all of the Free State’s activities relating to cycling. Cycling in everyday life and leisure time is an important part of mobility in Bavaria. By 2025, we want to increase the share of cycling in total traffic to 20%.

More mobility by bike means a better quality of life in the city and in the countryside.

The bicycle has great potential: 60 percent of all journeys are shorter than five kilometres, ideal for cycling.

And with Pedelecs, even greater distances can be covered quickly and comfortably.

That is why we are working with local authorities to ensure that even more people use this climate- and environmentally-friendly means of transport.

With the umbrella brand RadlLand Bayern, we are setting an example to be the number 1 cycling state in Germany.

Bicycle Route Planner Bavaria

With the Bicycle Route Planner Bavaria we offer a modern and reliable information and routing portal.

Route network

We promote leisure cycling and tourism by bike. With the Bayernnetz für Radler, we offer cyclists an extensive route network of around 125 thematic routes in all parts of Bavaria.

Everyday cycling

We promote everyday cycling and support local authorities and our partners in a variety of ways.

To me by bike

Integrate the bicycle route planner into your own website

Whether it’s a business, government agency, tourism or private website, help your visitors find their way to you by bike and protect the environment at the same time.

Configure your routing widget now and add it to your website – quick, easy and efficient, let’s get started!


Bicycle Route Planner Bavaria

Experience Bavaria by bike

The route planner supports you in planning your cycle tour through a variety of functions and offers.

Plan bicycle route

for every day

Everyday trips, infrastructure and support

The section ‘Bicycle Traffic’ brings together all information on road safety, planning of cycle paths, data and facts about cycling and even funding.


Available in stores now

RadroutenPlaner Bayern

Transfer your planned route to the app to use it on the move – and simply reroute if necessary …


Bicycle Route Planner

Across Germany

The Bicycle Route Planner Germany (Radroutenplaner Deutschland) connects route planners from different German states.

Bicycle Route Planner Germany

Route planner integration

Help your visitors find their way to you by bike and protect the environment at the same time.


BfR quality criteria

What requirements must a bicycle route meet to be included in the Bayernnetz für Radler?



Cyclists have their own signs to show the way with information about towns and cycle routes – including the Bayernnetz für Radler.


App for iOS and Android

The best routes, detailed maps – also offline – and the Bayernnetz für Radler for your personal cycle tour.
