Bicycle Route Planner Bavaria

What is special about the route planner?

The bicycle route planner for Bavaria

The Bicycle Route Planner Bavaria uses various data sources from public administrations and OpenStreetMap to calculate routes. This includes exact elevation data from the Bavarian surveying authority, the average daily traffic volume and maximum permissible speed of individual streets and paths from the Bavarian road database, as well as properties of the road and path surface.

By weighting and varying this diverse information in the calculation process, the bicycle route planner offers various route alternatives, be it a direct route from A to B, a route via paved paths or a tourist route via thematic routes such as the Bayernnetz für Radler (Bavarian Network for Cyclists).

The start and destination points as well as intermediate points can be defined either on the map or in the input mask. Once the route calculation is complete, the bicycle route planner displays the various route alternatives on the map and provides detailed information on the route length, travel time and elevation gains and losses.

By setting additional intermediate points, the individual routes can be made more precise or further adjusted by changing the route parameters such as avoiding inclines, ferries, stairs, construction sites or dangerous areas.


Circular route or alternative routes? The route planner automatically suggests different routes, which can be customized by the user.


The elevation profile shows where you cycle uphill and downhill. Gradients can be avoided in the calculating process.


The calculated routes can be exported to GPS devices as a GPX file or transferred directly to the RadroutenPlaner Bayern app via QR code, including the selected parameters.
